Bumper rings belong to a group of products that serve as protection for oil and gas pipes.
The pipes must be protected against mechanical damage during transport and storage. The usual method of protection is to put on several plastic rings – bumpers on the surface of the pipe.

Bumper rings protect pipes during handling, transport, or storage. Another aspect is to prevent contact between the outer surface of adjacent pipes, especially in the case of pipes made of highly alloyed or chrome-plated materials, where an electrical cell between the surfaces would cause dangerous pitting corrosion of the material.
Bumper rings are made of specially selected high-density polyethylene, which is durable and flexible both at high temperatures and during severe frosts. The inner diameter of the ring must be tight on the pipe so that it does not slide and the outer diameter must exceed the largest diameter of the pipe, even if a connecting adapter is screwed on.
Bumper rings prevent mechanical damage in the event of impact or corrosion caused by mutual contact of pipe surfaces. The rings are manufactured in standard dimensions from 2 3/8 ” to 13 3/8″, which corresponds to common pipe diameters. On request, it is possible to produce rings of a specific size or other types according to customer requirements.

Simultaneously with the realization of projects and products for customers, we manufacture and sell a number of our products for various market segments. The basic assortment is given below.
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